The unidentifiable beauty and sustainable appeal of re-using the old.
Sometimes you need to think a while about comments that are made on statements one shares on well-known social media platforms. Whether it is sharing a photo of an achievement you are happy with, or expressing a thought on a certain subject. Often the first reaction that comes to mind, might be a true reflection of your feelings, but will in most cases lack the necessary nuances. After classifying one's thoughts, and taking a deeper look into the reasoning for the fundamentally different view than the comment you received on such a post, it might become clear that a short reply won't get the extended reasons behind a statement across. In some cases, it takes an essay on the subject to illustrate one's well-considered principles. The whole process of trying to put one's view into words can turn out into a time-consuming undertaking, which in this case it did. It's been a long time since I wrote a piece (on this blog or elsewhere), but the latest experience with movin...