The identifiable ugliness of Mark Rutte (Dutch PM)

The municipal elections are over in The Netherlands and that's nice because now the Dutch prime minister is able to deal with the real problems again. And that's important.
At his party, the VVD (extreme rightwing politicians camouflaged as Liberals), they know what the hard-working police officer, nurse, carpenter, plumber, butcher and baker really like. Tax evasion, fraud, integrity scandals, fiddling with receipts, (a dozen of ministers of the prime minister Rutte’s party had to resign in the years he’s in power because of exactly those things) does not bother anyone when you are gouverned by a narcissist, wearing a fresh and tidy shirt with rolled up sleeves, telling who the real profiteers in the country are, the disabled people.

The Prime minister and his coalition friends of the Christian Party and the former Democrats of D66, like clear and easy choices that put individuals on either side of their line. Doers or thinkers, builders or profiteers, risk takers or runaways. And of course: workers or hustlers. This is how they like to split the country’s inhabitants because it is nice and clear. How about working people with a disability. Are those workers or profiteers? Working hustlers? They don’t fit into the multiple choice options on their tablet. They do not like it, it’s too complicated and that’s why they are going to tackle that problem.

“There are about 11,000 of these types of working profiteers in the Netherlands. Sitting on their butt in the wheelchair all day and then just get the same minimum wage as their hard working colleges. Next, to that, they even expect a pension when they get old. What a greedy bunch of profiteers!”

The Prime minister, therefore, proposes that employers no longer have to pay minimum wages to their disabled employees. Because everyone knows that it is much easier for employers to provide work if their employees have as few rights as possible. The problem will be automatically tackled because we have a free market. No, they will not throw out all responsibilities of a democratic society, most of those half-productive profiteers can supplement their income by holding up their hands for some welfare money at the municipality. In the Netherlands, that’s called participation. “To Participate”.

“They can at least forget that pension, and unemployment or disability insurance, which we scrap little by little. In total, we can get around 500 million euros here in the long term. We could invest in the Starbuck subsidy. Much more cost-effective. They can then create more jobs for people and pay them way less than minimum wages. Competitive position. Efficiency. Profit. Jobs. Economy. I as prime minister of all the Dutch will say: go for it!”

The current Dutch gouvernment is convinced that these downsizing of rights for disabled people is very important because employees will not exploit themselves, they will not hand in their pensions themselves. You have to roll up your sleeves for that. The Dutch got Mark Rutte, he is a doer. And then there is, of course, Tamara van Ark, a short-hearted doer. One of the few women who could meet the quality requirements of Prime minister Mark. She came up with this plan because the VNO-NCW (Employers organisation) wanted to have things simpler. It’s so important to keep things simple. They do not like gouvernment plans and protection of workers.

“If these plans are 'undesirable' for 70 percent of employers who actually provide jobs to disabled people, that's not our problem. Maybe they should just accept normal people. And that the municipalities do not want this? Well. You sometimes have to make choices. You just do! Criticism from municipalities, employers and employees is just not important, in fact, they are all just screamers. And pathetic. Pathetic screaming profiteers. You can be a bit handicapped in the sidelines, but happiness is a choice and you also just have to realize that exploitation is tradition. That is just normal. A piece of our VOC mentality. And surely we are not ashamed of our traditions?”

You think Mrs May and her party in the UK are missing the ability to express compassion? You maybe think Trump is the biggest boar in pig paradise? Maybe you are convinced that the Portuguese gouvernment is making the wrong choices to solve the country’s problems? I guess you find that Putin is a threat to the world to? You know that Erdogan is a religious fanatic dictator? That may all be the case but... there are more dangerous politicians in the world like the Dutch prime minister Rutte who know to camouflage their deviant character and are working “under the radar” to undermine civilization as we know it. Who want all control and profits in the hand of the happy few. He is a disgrace to democracy, sadly he has so many followers who just don’t care about others. In his ideal new world, there’s only place for healthy, productive doers, who don’t think, who lost all compassion for the weak. His views are very close to a crime against humanity, camouflaged as “liberal values”.

(freely edited translation after a column of Meredith Greer)


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