The unidentifiable beauty in human evolution.

I read an article that suggested there is evidence that humans still are evolving and as any other species of animal are subject to changes in the environment. We humans are not detached from natural selection. But with modern advances in technology and the huge movements of people mixing things about a bit, many have suggested that perhaps we have broken free of its impacts. New research claims to have found traces of evidence that humans may indeed still be evolving. 
One of the most well-studied examples of natural selection occurring in humans in recent times is that of the evolution to be able to digest milk into adulthood. Obviously, milk is usually only drunk by infants, and yet most Europeans, along with a few small groups in Africa and India, have evolved within the last 10,000 years the ability to continue digesting the white stuff way into adulthood, after the spread of agriculture.

The study looked at the DNA of over 200,000 people living across both the United States and Britain, to see if they could tease out any changes in genetic variation in these populations over time. They report that their analysis of these genomes, published in PLOS Biology, shows natural selection is weeding out gene variants most often associated with Alzheimer’s disease. 
They didn’t do any research on whether this slowly changing of genes is influenced only by a natural process of self-protection or environmental and geographical circumstances. One part of humans are getting smarter and another part is struggling to accept knowledge, provided by research and obvious changes in the world. It seems that these genomes responsible for brain activity and learning skills are evolving differently in relationship with the location on the planet.

Their results suggest that one variant of the ApoE4 gene, which is thought to increase the risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s has dropped slightly in certain parts of the world, while there are also places in which the same gene evolves in a substantial particle that slows down the learning and remembering curve in the brain. It seems that genomes block the ability to absorb too much information in order to prevent Alzheimer's in a later stage of life. Said in a popular way; “What you don’t learn, understand and accept as facts, you can’t forget”. This worrying default in evolution takes place in a few parts of the world, especially in the southern states of America, and can’t be explained by physical influences like a changing environment. Suggested is that some chemicals in food, especially meat, could be the source but no proof is provided yet. While there are indeed different selection pressures occurring on different populations and groups, normally the long generation time of people means that the changes these pressures may be favouring take a long time to be reflected in the variation in our genes, which makes these rapidly changing genomes mentioned above a real danger to mankind.

The signs of these, obvious, defaults in evolution are spreading fast and massively. It worries not only scientists but seems to become a big concern of populations not infected with this mutilation of genomes. Lately, the signs get so overwhelming that scientist has supposed a quarantine wall around the infected areas. Almost 60.000 people holding fans to blow a storm away, big crowds of gun owners shooting at a hurricane, while others are utilizing their religious faith in a last-ditch effort to beat back the storms on a pier with outstretched hands like Moses in the book of fairytales. In the magic and apocalyptic world of evangelical Christianity, God periodically gets really mad at the gays and sends a hurricane, or two. After Hurricane Harvey ravaged Houston, many familiar faces in the far-right televangelist/talk radiosphere, obvious victims of this genomes transition, weren’t talking about climate issues; they were talking about Houston’s gay former mayor. The problems are the result of the judgment of God coming your way because of the slaughter of unborn children and an increasingly gay-friendly world.

I’m not a scientist and these researchers could be all on the wrong track but for people to think that the Illuminati and the Freemasons are using a devilish frequency to alter people’s DNA (which in turn causes them to oppose President Trump), proofs that there must be something mentally wrong with a big part of the population in those infected area’s. I guess you can’t stop the evolution of mankind and it’s a reassuring thought that some animals related to humans just stayed primates while others evolved in people like Einstein, Newton, Darwin, Hawking, Tesla, Pasteur, Copernicus, Curie, Nobel, Faraday, Edison, Da Vinci, Kepler, Hubble, Joule and all these others providing us with knowledge. So maybe we are on a historic edge of evolutionary separation again....if the world isn’t destroyed before then by some lunatics because of some mysterious default in their DNA...


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